The Live Tracking tool is an excellent way of getting a visual overview of your logistic situation when needed. It provides shortcuts, driver tracking, a preview of routes, and much more on your demand, helping you to be up to date on everything.
This article covers the following:
1. How to use Live Tracking
There is no correct or wrong way to use live tracking, as it is a multi-functional and highly tailorable tool, making it able to serve several purposes at once. However, more profound knowledge or understanding of some tool functions may give you with better value.
There are two possible views in this tool with some features and functions that will be available in both views, and some will be limited to one of them:
- Overview of all routes
- Overview of a specific route
2. Live Tracking overview
When opening the live tracking tool, you will see two main functionalities:
- The map
- The routes
The map takes place on the right side of the screen, and the routes are small boxes on the left side. Both have several functions and shortcuts to explore when diving deeper.
When opening the live tracking tool, the first sight is an overview of all ongoing routes related to the organization. On the map, there may be one or more blue dots with small letters – these are the drivers assigned to routes with the status of ‘In progress’ and their initials. A small text box with information about the driver, the operating vehicles, and the executing routes will appear by hovering the mouse over a dot.
Furthermore, routes from the express dispatch in which time frames are soon to be will show on the map as grey boxes on the first address of the route.
On the left, you will have all these routes in a list containing the most basic information about the route, such as route ID, reference, estimated end time, and driver name. You also find criticality, which indicates whether a route is estimated to be affected by a delay.
3. Specific routes
You enter a view of a specific route by clicking on either a driver (blue dot) or a route in the route overview on the left.
On the map, you will first see the driver assigned to the route and his/her location. The second thing you will see is the ongoing route with every stop. Green stops indicate completed stops, and grey stops are the stops yet to be completed. You will find information about the stop by hovering the mouse on a stop, such as status, consignee name, and task time. On the left, you will have all individual stops on the route listed with basic information along with the stop status. ‘Route details’ is a shortcut to the very overview of the route.
4. Available filters
By using different filters, you can tailor the tool to match your needs, as not all routes will be relevant to you at a given time.
The main filter is a search field and is always available at the top of the route list to the left, where you can search for anything related to the route. Other filters are:
- Teams
- Criticality
- Statuses
- Drivers
- Vehicle type
- Products
Further reading
If you find this article interesting or usable, we have listed some additional guides below that may help you to more success.
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